
Diapers, formula, pregnancy services, adoption, abortion consultation. Emergency child care assistance program provide families in crisis with temporary child care, thus supporting families through hardship and assisting them to formulate contingency plans for future emergencies.

Loaves and Fishes – This ministry provides food for those in the community who are in need....
HARCATUS Tri-County C.A.O., Inc, is a private non-profit corporation located in New Philadelphia,...
Birthright services are always free, absolutely confidential, and available to any woman regardle...
Mission Statement: The Tuscarawas County Health Department is dedicated to promoting healthy choi...
Union Hospital, located in Dover, Ohio, is an award-winning not-for-profit, independent, communit...
OUR MISSION The Tuscarawas County YMCA is committed to enriching the lives of everyone in our com...
We are a church that is invested in the greater New Philadelphia/Dover OH area communities and in...
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